Belly Dance by ÂYA of Istanbul 
Performance, Instruction, Choreography

Belly Dance Performance, Instruction, Choreography

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BEGINNER BELLY DANCE CHOREOGRAPHY Course Description:  A 6 Week Course where students will learn a full choreography to a piece of music.  This course focuses on dance technique through the use of choreography.  At the end of the course students end up with a complete performance piece!

Some areas of focus throughout the course include: Posture, Basic Movements, Isolations, Shimmies, Undulations, Transitions, and Stage Presence. 

No previous dance experience required. An Absolute Must for the Serious Beginner or for Those in Need of Review.
Name of choreography to be announced...

What are the advantages of learning Belly Dance technique through choreography?

Students may sign up and make payment for the course at the Pera Dance Studio. I will post more details soon...

Drop Ins are NOT ALLOWED!:  Students Can Only Sign Up For The 6 Week Course, payment is NOT on a per class basis.
Last Day to be Admitted into the Course is the Second Class.
IMPORTANT: Please Read Classroom Policies for 6 Week Courses

If you would like to perform...
The choreographies taught by Aya are performed by student dancers at Aya's shows and Amateur Nights.
If you would like to perform, please let Aya know!

The more dances you know, the more flexibility you have to perform!
Costumes for each performance vary and range in price from approximately $100 to $250.





The Advantages of Learning Belly Dance Technique through Choreography 

Some students (especially those without previous dance experience) are apprehensive about taking a 6 week course that includes a choreography. Many of them say that they would rather take a course that focuses on technique only so that they can "learn the moves" first. Others say that they lack the coordination required to learn a choreography. However, it is often these same students that improve the most with classes that involve choreography.

Learning a good choreography gives you many things including:

- an example to follow (in terms of how to use movement to interpret music and express oneself in Belly Dance)
- something solid to practice and a "goal" to reach
- a greater awareness of your body and the way it moves
- a better connection between your body and your mind
- practice in transitions (so they will be smooth and graceful rather than awkward, "choppy", or robotlike!)
- greater musical awareness, especially of the intricacies of the music of the Middle East and surrounding regions
- a chance to focus on your "stage presence"
- a positive way to improve your physical fitness

And all of these things carry over into improvisational dancing as well!

Last but not least, at the end of the 6 weeks, you have a beautiful performance ready piece! You can use it to dance when you're by yourself or with family and friends!

Students who would like the more glamorous performance experience have the option to wear a beautiful costume and perform in front of their family and friends in one of Aya's student shows!
   Go Back to Beginner Course Description and Details                                                      
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Course Description:  A 6 Week Course where students study movements and combinations.  This course focuses on dance technique alone.  Get ready for drills!
Some areas of focus throughout the course include: Posture, Basic Movements, Isolations, Shimmies, Undulations, etc.

No previous dance experience required. An Absolute Must for the Serious Beginner or for Those in Need of Review.

Students may sign up and make payment for the course at the Pera Dance Studio. I will post more details soon...

Drop Ins are NOT ALLOWED!:Students Can Only Sign Up For The 6 Week Course, payment is NOT on a per class basis.
Last Day to be Admitted into the Course is the Second Class.
IMPORTANT: Please Read Classroom Policies for 6 Week Courses

If you would like to perform...
The choreographies taught by Aya are performed by student dancers at Aya's shows and Amateur Nights.
If you would like to perform, please let Aya know!

The more dances you know, the more flexibility you have to perform!
Costumes for each performance vary and range in price from approximately $100 to $250.


Course Description: 6 Week Course for Intermediate Students. Subject to be announced...

Students may sign up and make payment for the course at the Pera Dance Studio. Details will be posted soon...

Cost: $70 on the day of, $60 if paid in advance! Payment can be made in person to the Atlanta Ballroom Dance Centre.
Drop Ins are NOT ALLOWED!:
Students Can Only Sign Up For The 6 Week Course, payment is NOT on a per class basis.

Last Day to be Admitted into the Course is the Second Class of the Six Class Series.

If you would like to perform...
The choreographies taught by Aya are performed by student dancers at Aya's
shows and Amateur Nights
. If you would like to perform, please let Aya know!
The more dances you know, the more flexibility you have to perform!
Costumes for each performance vary and range in price from approximately $100 to $250.






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Aya's Modern Turkish Oriental Choreography Workshop
11:00 AM at Nicola's (This is the Intermediate Dance that will be performed in Aya's Spring Shimmy Show coming up in May!!!)
For more info on Saturday Choreography Workshops, please read below...
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(Please check back for dates of upcoming workshops...)

*Want to Perform? Then Don’t Miss Aya’s Saturday Workshops (For Intermediate/High Beginner Level)!!!

Each workshop, Aya teaches a complete Intermediate/High Beginner Level choreography. Styles vary- from Egyptian Pop Baladi to Modern Turkish! 

Time: Doors open at 11:00 AM
The workshops last around 3 hours.

Nicola’s Restaurant

Cost: $45 on the day of, $40 if paid in advance.
(Need a review? If you have already taken the choreography in a previous class or workshop, then it is $30 on the day of, $25 if paid in advance)

Music: The music used is available for purchase at the workshop (usually $12 per CD unless otherwise indicated).

And if you would like to perform…

The choreographies taught in the Saturday Choreography Workshops are performed by student dancers at Nicola’s Restaurant and other venues. If you would like to perform, please sign up!

Those of you that can’t make it to the first scheduled
performance, or feel that you need more time to prepare, can perform another time (and yes we will be using the same choreography again!)
The more dances you know, the more flexibility you have to perform!

Costume choices for each performance vary and range in price from approximately $100 to $250.

Aya of Istanbul

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